Get Involved

Join us in the fight to end loneliness

1 in 4 Australian adults are lonely.
If you’re anything like us, you’ll think it’s time for that to change.

We work collaboratively at a national level with individuals, organisations and government to coordinate a national response to tackle loneliness in Australia. There are many ways you can support Ending Loneliness Together, including by becoming a member, making a donation, and supporting us as a philanthropic or company partner.


Become a member of Ending Loneliness Together and join a national community of people and organisations working to make Australia a place where no one feels alone. Membership is open to individuals, services, organisations and corporations.


Donate to Ending Loneliness Together with a tax-deductible donation online to support our work to address chronic loneliness in Australia. Your donation helps us to lead a national collaboration to end loneliness through evidence-based research, sector representation and support, advocacy, policy development, information and resources.


We work with corporate and philanthropic partners to deliver tailored partnership projects and opportunities. Through the generosity of our partners, Ending Loneliness Together is able to deliver innovative responses across Australia. Working together, we can achieve measurable impact to end loneliness in our communities.