We want to live in a world where everyone feels a sense of connection and belonging

Through a collaborative approach, Ending Loneliness Together is raising awareness of loneliness as a key social, health and economic issue of our time

Who We Are

We represent a national network of organisations who have been working together since 2016 to build the evidence-base and tools to address loneliness in Australia

One Thousand Voices

I guess everyone’s just looking for a connection. I know it’s not easy, working on yourself. Really try to work on the connections you have with the people who actually care about you

Daniel, Age 27

One Thousand Voices

Lonely is something that’s there because of a voice, a loss. I miss my husband every day. It’s not something I can dismiss. But it gives you a new level of comfort. Knowing how many people have gone through the same thing and come out the other side okay.

Carol, Age 73

One Thousand Voices

We are social beings, we have emotions. We were given emotions to feel. You should feel those things. You know, there are people who are feeling the same thing as you. Maybe you can do something about it, together.

Ade, Age 27

One Thousand Voices

Bridging out of loneliness takes guts. I think this would all be a lot easier if we were all a lot kinder to one another. If people could learn to empathise more with each other. I think we’d be better at understanding why people feel the way they do.

Max, Age 21

Get Involved

We are seeking the unique values, experiences, and perspectives of people with a lived experience of loneliness to join our Lived Experience Advisory Panel

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How can you help?

1 in 3 Australian adults are lonely. We think it’s time for that to change. Taking an informed response to loneliness driven by the latest research has the potential to help individuals, communities and all of society to connect. With your help, we have the opportunity to lead efforts to end loneliness, together

Latest News

Ending Loneliness Together Partners with Bolton Clarke

25 February 2022

Let’s Talk Loneliness and Communities

13 December 2021

Latest Resources

A Guide to Reporting Service Evaluations for Community Organisations

By Ending Loneliness Together | 22 April 2022
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A Guide to Evaluating Loneliness for Community Organisations

By Ending Loneliness Together | 6 December 2021
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