A Guide to Measuring Loneliness for Community Organisations

This Guide is part of Ending Loneliness Together’s Measurement Outcomes Framework series. This is Guide one of three.

Ending Loneliness Together has released its first guide for community organisations to best evaluate their programs or activities designed to reduce loneliness.

To evaluate your community service, you will need to be able to show service users, funding bodies and boards of management that your program or activity is making a real difference.

‘This Guide came about because in converastion with community organisations’, said Ending Loneliness Together Vice Chair, Professor Jo Badcock.

‘We were constantly being asked questions about how services best go about measuring loneliness, how they evaluate their services, and how they distinguish between loneliness and social isolation’.

“By measuring loneliness at the start and at the end of your service, you will be able to evalaute whether the levels of loneliness in your service users have changed or not”, Professor Badcock said.

This guide provides practical and validated information and tips about which measures to use to evaluate your service, including two brief and valid measures of loneliness that we recommend you use. By measuring loneliness, you will be able to produce clear and accurate evidence of what works, and what does not, in order to make informed decisions for your service and service users.

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26 November 2020