Research & Lived Experience Informing Practice and Policy Symposium

October 2024

This year we are bringing together research, lived experience, practice and policy experts to inspire conversations about research translation and best practices in addressing loneliness and social isolation. As well as hearing from leading experts across research and evaluation, government, lived experience, community, health, mental health, youth, technology and priority populations. We have designed the day to enable innovative and forward-thinking discussion.

Event details

Monday 4 November

Wesley Conference Centre

220 Pitt Street, Sydney

Time: 8.30am – 4.30 pm

We are excited to announce our keynote speakers and some of our panellists:

· Associate Professor Sarah Wright- Associate Dean Research University of Canterbury, New Zealand
· Associate Professor Michelle Lim – CEO of Ending Loneliness Together
· Professor Philayrath Phongsavan – University of Sydney
· Professor Viviana Wuthrich -Macquarie University
· Professor Cathy Mihalopoulos – Monash University
· Sarah Mathews, CEO Little Big Foundation
· Phil McAuliffe, Co-chair of Ending Loneliness Together Lived Experience Advisory Panel and Founder of Humans Connecting
· Rachel Cook- CEO Inclusee
· Dr Karine Manera -University of Sydney
· Lexi Marsh- Department of Health Victoria
· Dr John Chan –Infinite Potential
· Kim Hamrosi –CEO Corporate Mental Health Alliance Australia
· Vivienne Browne – Orygen · Dr Barbara Neves- Monash University

Panel discussions will cover topics such as vulnerable communities, technology, health, young people, community intervention approaches, social prescribing, workplaces, program evaluations, and policy.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of a community of individuals and organisations who are passionate about addressing loneliness.

Secure your spot today and get ready to be inspired!

Get your tickets today